Turf Shaving

Turf shaving is specific to bowling greens. It’s a great option when you’re spending too much time, money and effort on the green without seeing results. If the greens stop responding to fungicides or you're finding they are constantly slow it may be time to give them a shave. 

Shaving promotes quality within your greens which can be the trick to turning slow greens into harder, faster greens. And we all know this makes for happier bowlers and busier clubs.

We understand the importance of keeping your greens in play. But we also see the value in keeping quality greens. Let’s go back to basics and recognise how much time and money Thatchy greens can cost us. 


Thatch = Wet greens

Thatch = Slow greens

Thatch = Excessive disease

Thatch = More fungicides

There are a few options when it comes to removing the thatch in your green. Have a look at our chart below to see the comparison between different types of shaves. Give us a call on 0419 248 397 to see which one will suit you best!

All Greens should be shaved regularly to maintain aesthetically clean greens, fast pace play and happy bowlers.

If you want to get a shave but don’t have the manpower to clean up… We can do that too! We have a low impact front end loader that does a great job! 

Book and shave + clean up combo and let your volunteers spend their time in the club house!.